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    South Indian Bronze Nandi

    South India
    circa 16th century

    length: 8.5cm, height: 8.5cm, width: 4.2cm



    UK art market

    This well-proportioned image of Nandi, the vahana of Shiva, is made of cast and bronze. The fine detailing includes numerous processional ornaments such as multiple chains of bells and other decorations. It is based on a Brahman or Zebu cow, the South Indian cow with a prominent hump on its back.

    The image is seated on a rectangular multi-tiered platform befitting its exalted status. Nandi images often are placed at the entrance of Shiva temples. They have long been associated with fertility, illustrated by the custom of worshippers touching the testicles of such images as they enter the temple, particularly if they wish to expand their family.

    The image’s features and contours have been softened by handling and puja (prayer) wear. It has a wonderful chocolate-brown patina, and a very pleasing shape.

    The image is in fine condition. There are no repairs or losses.


    Mitchell, A.G., Hindu Gods and Goddesses, UBSPD, 1982.

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