Inventory no.: 2464

Burmese Dha


Dha-lwe Sword with Silver Mounts and Ivory Hilt

Shan People, Eastern Burma

19th century

length: 51.5cm

This fine Burmese-Shan short dha comprises a plain, solid ivory hilt with a silver hilt collar; a curved, steel, single-edged blade; and a silver-encased scabbard. A pink-red suspension cord is wrapped around the top of the scabbard.

The tubular scabbard flattens out towards the end. It is decorated with dine applied filigree work in geometric, vegetal scrolls, bordered by bands of applied braided silver wire.

See Lewis (1984, p. 63) for a related example.

The sword is in excellent condition, other than minor blemishes to the blade.


Lewis, P. & E., Peoples of the Golden Triangle: Six Tribes in Thailand, Thames & Hudson, 1984.


UK art market

Inventory no.: 2464


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