Inventory no.: 2673
Six Silver Engraved Lotus-Form Circular Dishes (Pinggan)
Six Silver Engraved Lotus-Form Circular Dishes (Pinggan)
Malay People, Malay Peninsula
circa 1900
diameter: 19cm, combined weight: 362g
These six dishes are of thin sheet silver alloy. The outer rims are shaped as overlapping, multiple lotus petals engraved with leafy flourishes. The centres of each dish are engraved with roundels that feature a complex geometric design.
The dishes come from either the Malay Peninsula, perhaps Johor, the Malay community in Singapore, or that in nearby Riau.
Ling Roth, H., Oriental Silverwork: Malay and Chinese, Truslove & Hanson, 1910.
UK art market
Inventory no.: 2673