Inventory no.: 3542

Mughal Emperor Akbar Painting


Fine Framed Portrait on Ivory of the Mughal Emperor Akbar (1555-1605AD)

Delhi, India

circa 1850

height: 9cm

This very fine painting of the Mughal emperor Akbar has been executed on a slither of ivory sheet. The emperor is bejewelled and a hunting falcon rests on his gloved hand.

The painting sits below a thin sheet of protective glass and has a gilt frame.

Such paintings on ivory were done in Delhi around the middle of the 19th century. They were produced for English expatriates as keepsakes. This example is particularly fine.

The example here is unusually fine and is based on a much-copied image at the time. See the cover of Akhtar (2002) for an almost identical example dated to around 1850 and executed on paper.


Akhtar, N., Islamic Art of India, Islamic Arts Museum, Malaysia, 2002.


UK art market

Inventory no.: 3542


The gold foil sheet is visible beneath the beads, as shown in this image.