Inventory no.: 1457

Ottoman Silver Filigree


The marks to the interior base of the basket.

Exceptional Silver Filigree Basket

Ottoman Turkey

18th-19th century

height: 25cm,

length: 21.6cm, width: 18cm, weight: 488g

This silver filigree basket is one of the finest works in filigree that we have seen. It is exquisite. It sits on four bow feet – all in the finest silver filigree – embellished with small flowers, has a lower fringe of woven silver embellished with large flowers alternating with small decorative studs, has sides that open our wide and which are composed of fine, feather-like plumes, each embellished with a large flower, and a prominent arched handle featuring a range of flowers and leaves including two pairs of fuschia blooms with prominent stamens. The handle is surmounted by a loop, also decorated with leaves and flowers and sitting atop the loop is a dove in cast silver.

The base of the basked comprises a single sheet of silver. This has a small Arabic mark, probably a testament to the silver purity.

The basket almost certainly is from Ottoman Turkey or elsewhere in the Ottoman empire. Items in the silver collection of the Istanbul’s Topkapi museum feature filigree elements not unlike the work shown on this basket.

The condition of the basket is superb. There are no apparent losses, no dents and no apparent repairs.


Askit, I., The Topkapi Palace, Askit, 2000.

Inventory no.: 1457