Our catalogue > Class: Weapons
Malay Tiger-Motif Sewar Dagger with Horn & Silver Mounts
Sumatra/Malay Peninsula 19th century
length: 30cm
UK art market
Malay Sewar Dagger with Silver Mounts
Sumatra/Malay Peninsula 19th century
length: 34.5cm weight: 241g
UK art market
Malay Sewar Dagger with Horn & Silver Mounts
Sumatra/Malay Peninsula 19th century
length: 32cm, weight: 242g
UK art market
Unusual Sewar Dagger with Wood & Silver Mounts
North Sumatra, Indonesia 19th century
length: 35.5cm
UK art market
Sumatran Minangkabau-Acehnese Cast Brass Shield or Buckler (Peurise)
Minangkabau People for the Aceh Market, Sumatra, Indonesia 19th century
diameter: 32cm
UK art market
Sepik Kominimung Shield
Pora Pora or Bien River, Sepik Region, Papua New Guinea first half of the 20th century
height: 117cm, width: 46cm
Francis de Sales McHugh Collection, and thence by descent, collected by de Sales McHugh in the first half of the 20th century.
Patani Kris Tajong with Zoomorphic Carved Wooden Hilt
Kelantan, Malaysia or Patani, Southern Thailand 19th century
length: 47.5cm, weight: 507g
private UK collection
Malay Dagger (Tumbok Lada) with Parrot-shaped Horn Hilt
Malay, Malaysia early 20th century
length: 34cm, weight: 199g
UK art market
Rare Matchlock Gun with Gold & Silver Mounts
Coorg, South India 18th century
length: 142cm
UK art market
Aboriginal Mulga Wood Spear Thrower (Woomera)
Aboriginal People, Central Australia circa 1940
height: 77cm, width: 11cm
UK art market
Borneo Brass Cannon (Lantaka)
Sarawak (Malaysia) or Brunei 18th-19th century
length: 65cm
UK art market