Michael Backman Speaking at the Rijksmuseum, The Netherlands, on ‘Malay Silver and Gold’

Michael gave a lecture at the Rijksmuseum on November 9, 2024, on his new book, Malay Silver and Gold: Courtly Splendour from Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei and Thailand (River Books, 2024). The lecture was organised by the Royal Asian Art Society in the Netherlands (Koninklijke Vereniging van Vrienden der Aziatische Kunst – KVVAK).

Among the topics were the types of vessels and other items made by Malay silversmiths, the cultural history of the Malays, the impact of collectors and museum curators on the types of items that were made, and the effect of the introduction of photography in the 19th century on our cultural memory.

Malay Silver and Gold is available from Amazon and other online retailers, and can be ordered from most bookstores.



Malay Silver and Gold is available from Amazon and other online retailers, and can be ordered from most bookstores.