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    Batak Gold & Silver Man’s Pendant Ear Ornament (Duri-Duri)

    Batak people, Lake Toba region, north Sumatra, Indonesia
    19th century

    length: 3.8cm, width: 3.1cm, weight: 18g

    Available Enquire


    private collection, The Netherlands

    This single man’s ear ornament, known as a duri-duri, is from the Batak people of Lake Toba in Sumatra. It comprises thick gold sheet over a silver substrate. It is further decorated with spikes or ‘thorns’, wire spirals and twisted wire, on both sides.

    Batak men wore such ear ornaments individually, usually in the right ear (according to some sources) or usually the left ear (according to others).

    A similar example in gold is illustrated in Sibeth (2012, p. 73).

    The example here has a good patina and good wear – its age is clearly evident.


    Rodgers, S., Power and Gold: Jewelry from Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines, The Barbier-Mueller Museum, Geneva, 3rd ed. 1995.

    Sibeth, A., Gold, Silver & Brass: Jewellery of the Batak in Sumatra, Indonesia, 5 Continents, 2012.

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