This fine small silver box is for holding the opium block. Such blocks were small (but of high value). They also tended to ooze in warn conditions, so a heavy-gauge box was needed to store them, preferably with a heavy, or tight-fitting lid. Opium also needed to be kept in air-tight conditions, so again, a good lid was needed.
The lid is surmounted by a fine, crouching solid-cast silver mythical creature.
The sides are decorated in chased, high relief, with Daoist symbols. The side of the lid is etched with a key-fret pattern.
The base is stamped in Chinese with the word for ‘perfect’.
Bertholet, F.M., Opium: Art et Histoire d’un Rituel Perdu, Fonds Mercator, 2007.
Delalande, D. & E., Memoires d’Opiums/Memories of Opium, Somogy editions, 2011.
Lee, P., Opium Culture: The Art & Ritual of the Chinese Tradition, Park Street Press, 2006.
Martin, S., The Art of Opium Antiques, Silkworm Books, 2007.