This fine ring of solid, high-carat gold comprises a gold hoop half of which is wrapped in gold wire. The bezel comprises a gold wire coil. The wire is continuous and shows great technique in construction.
The wire used to wrap the hoop is of varying thickness on account of it having been drawn by hand. (This is important: reproduction pieces tend to be machine-drawn and so of even thickness.)
The surface has microscopic pitting consistent with significant age.
Similar examples are illustrated in Miksic (1990, p. 69).
Other, more recent analysis suggests that other similar rings may date to a later period (see Golden Lotus Foundation, 2018).
The ring is in excellent, wearable condition.
Large quantities of gold jewellery and other items have been found in central and East Java dating from this period. It was a time when Buddhism and Hinduism seem to have peacefully co-existed at the same time.
Bremer, S., Goud der Goden: Uitt het oude Java, Wereldmuseum Rotterdam Publishers, 2014.
Golden Lotus Foundation et al, Java Gold: The Wealth of Rings, Golden Lotus Foundation, 2018.
Miksic, J., Old Javanese Gold, Ideation, 1990.