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    Mounted Malay Ivory Kris Hilt

    Malay People, Northern Malaysia
    19th century

    length (without stand): 7.5cm



    UK art market

    This fine hilt for a traditional Malay kris has been carved from ivory. It has a stylised zoomorphic form usually referred to as a jawa demam.

    The condition is very good. There are no losses and no repairs. The ivory has a yellowing patina. The hilt has been mounted on a blackened wood stand.


    Caravana, J. et al, Rites of Power: Oriental Weapons: Collection of Jorge Caravana, Caleidoscopio, 2010.
    Gardner, G.B., Keris and other Malay Weapons, Orchid Press, 2009 (reprint of 1936 original).

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