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    Pair of Chinese Gilded Silver Dragon Earrings

    late 19th-early 20th century, Late Qing Dynasty

    lengths: 4.5cm, combined weight: 7.5g



    UK art market

    This fine, intricate and wearable pair of earrings is of chased silver that has been gilded (gold plated). Each features a dragon with a long tail onto which three lobed gilded silver hoops are suspended, one through the next.

    The bodies of the dragons are delicately rendered with plenty of detail including scales, horns and well-formed snouts. The gilded hoops similarly are finely done with floral motifs on both sides.

    The earrings have gilded silver fish hooks for threading through the ear lobes.

    The pair is in excellent condition.


    Chen, H.S. et alCatalogue of the Exhibition of Ch’ing Dynasty Costume Accessories, National Palace Museum, 1986.

    National Palace Museum, Royal Style: Qing Dynasty and Western Court Jewellery, 2102.

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