This small bronze image cast using the cire perdue or lost wax process shows a particularly plump Sri Devi, one of the consorts of Vishnu, seated on an oval lotus cushion atop a rectangular, tiered platform. The form is rare for Sri Devi and dates to the late Vijaynegara period. (See this form in a set sold at Sotheby’s.)
Sri Devi is seated in lalitasana with one leg hanging down and the other folded in front. She holds a lotus bud in her left hand to signify both spiritual and earthly abundance, and has a tiered, conical headdress.
There is a kuchabandha across her breasts which is one of her defining attributes.
She wears a dhoti or perhaps pjamas with well defined legs.
The image has a dark patina and is in fine condition.
Mitchell, A.G., Hindu Gods and Goddesses, UBSPD, 1982.