This is a magnificent example of Spanish colonial silverware from South America. The body is of flattened, spherical form. There is a flared foot, two prominent handles on either side, and the wide mouth is bordered by an everted rim.
The walls of the vessel are thick – luxuriantly so – and the item is heavy for its size. The rawness and purity of the silver, as well as the size of the vessel make it particularly sculptural and pleasing.
Chamber pots of this type were made across colonial South America, and it is likely that this fine example is from either Peru, Bolivia or Argentina.
The vessel is in excellent condition. It is a wonderful talking point and particularly decorative with its strong, bold form.
de Lavalle, J.A. & W. Lang, Arte y Tesoros del Peru: Plateria Virreynal, Banco de Credito del Peru en la Cultura, 1974.
Luis Ribera, A., & H.H. Schenone, Plateria Sudamericana de los Siglos XVII-XX, Hirmer Verlag Muchen, 1981.