This magnificent bronze image of Vishnu is of a relatively large size, has very finely-rendered features, and has a splendid, lustrous patina. It is among the best Indian bronzes we have had.
The image stands on a round lotus-petal dais atop a tiered, rectangular platform similarly decorated with lotus petal motifs. He has four arms. The upper pair hold Vishnu’s primary attributes, a chakra and a conch shell. His principal right arm is in varada-mudra. The hand of his principal left arm rests by his side in a katyavalambita gesture.
Vishnu wears magnificent body ornaments including a waist band that features a protective kurtimukha mask; a dhoti cast with stripes in high relief; prominent, flowing waist ribbons; a tall, tapering, conical crown with a lotus-bid finial; and ample anklets, bracelets and necklaces.
The image is striking and muscular and has the proportions expected of a good Vijayanagara-era piece.
It has a rich, dark, deep patina and is in excellent condition.
Mitchell, A.G., Hindu Gods and Goddesses, UBSPD, 1982.