New Podcast: Eastern Jewellery Treasures with Oytun Evliyazade Camcigil

We have a new podcast: Istanbul-based Oytun Evliyazade Camcigil, the author of the magnificent volume Eastern Treasures: Ottoman, Oman, Yemen, Turkmen Jewellery discusses with Michael Backman the process of writing Eastern Treasures, collecting Middle Eastern jewellery, and Istanbul’s collecting scene.

Oytun has a Masters Degree from Istanbul Technical University, and lived in the Middle East for 35 years before returning to her native Istanbul. During that time she amassed a large and exceptional collection of Middle Eastern and Ottoman jewellery, many examples of which are illustrated in her book.

Eastern Treasures is a magnificently illustrated and carefully researched book. Its 312 pages features hundreds of detailed photographs. Eastern Treasures is available via Amazon.


Above: Oytun Evliyazade Camcigil with Michael Backman and Eastern Treasures.


** Listen to the podcast with Oytun Evliyazade Camcigil here. **


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